BHK 300 Signature

לאתר היצרן

מגברי מונו בלוק BHK 300 Signature
פרי פיתוחם של Bascom H King ומהנדסי Ps Audio.
ביקורות יוצאות דופן על המגברי מונובלוק
וגם על גירסת הסטריאו BHK 250.

300 וואט ב- 8 אום
600 וואט ב- 4 אום
1000 וואט ב- 2 אום

מחיר חו״ל: 15,000$

מק"ט: 402 קטגוריות: , ,

תיאור מוצר

Work on the BHK Signature began in 2014 with the goal of building one of the top five power amplifiers in the world, regardless of price. Bascom H. King took the charge under the condition he be permitted to design and build the amplifier his way, without restriction and that is what happened.

Starting with a clean slate, he reimagined the traditional transistor and tube based amplifier as a hybrid, with vacuum tubes on its input and transistors on its output, an idea invented by him thirty years ago. In 1979 Bascom had designed the Infinity Class A, the world’s first hybrid power amplifier, with tubes for inputs and transistors for outputs. Its success was great and reviewer J. Gordon Holt, founder of Stereophile magazine wrote: “it is the best sounding amplifier I have ever heard.”

To maximize the benefits of the two amplification topologies inside the amplifier, it should be built as if it were two separate systems, each with their own power supply tailored to fit. Thus, the BHK Signature has two power transformers, one for the vacuum tube input stage, the other for the MOSFET power output stage. Regulation of the power supply for the input stage is important. Separate and discrete MOSFET regulators are used throughout to preserve details found in the music and keep noise levels to a minimum.

The path music takes through the amplifier must be pure and without a polluting sonic signature. Each passive component is hand selected to provide the cleanest path possible. PRP resistors, film and foil Rel Caps, and the finest sounding parts possible are hand soldered onto BHKs circuit boards. Bascom had insisted no surface mount parts be used in the signal path.

No expense was spared on the BHK. Even the output connectors are custom machined out of copper then polished and gold plated for best connection.

The BHK Signature 250 stereo amplifier, and the BHK Signature 300 Mono Amplifier embody one man’s life’s work and passion in the art of amplification. That these monuments to music can be offered to music lovers for less than $50,000 each is a testament to the years of experience invested in their design; that they are significantly less than $10,000 is a miracle.

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